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  • Is Web Development a Commodity?

    Over the past decade or so, web hosting companies have been trying to reverse the trend in the industry that’s pushing it toward commodification. Read on to learn more about what a commodity market is and why it's important to know about.

  • Dealing with Older Browsers

    If you’re part of a website development company, you’ve probably been through this experience at least once: while putting the finishing touches on a client’s website you get a call from the client saying that the site looks broken. You ask a few questions and realize they’re using a browser that’s a decade old.

    People use antiquated browsers for many reasons, but in many cases they’re either comfortable with their browser of choice and don’t want to change, or they simply don’t know that a newer version is available.

  • Building Community on the Social Web

    There is no getting around it: the Web is now social. A majority of internet users want to be able to comment on articles that they read. People want the ability to share their pictures or communicate with their friends. When the average person sits down in front of a computer, he or she is looking to connect.

    At 立博客户端app下载, we regularly receive requests for social applications. We hear things like, "I want a Facebook application that allows my clients to discuss our new products," or "I want a simple way for my visitors to get to know one another." We are always glad to help, but we make sure that our clients understand one thing: the best social applications in the world mean nothing if there is no one around to use them.

  • Mobile Websites Made Simple

    You don't have to look far to realize that we live in a mobile society--now more than ever, people are constantly on the move. The mobile web is booming. It has become critical that all businesses have a mobile-optimized website. In fact, research has shown that more than 5% of all web browsing is now done from a handheld device. While this number might sound low, you most likely wouldn't be willing to tell 1 in 20 customers that you simply cannot serve them. So why alienate them from your website?

  • Automation is Dead

    It’s a familiar frustration: that moment where you hit a roadblock with a product or a service, and you need some kind of help. You get stuck browsing through lengthy FAQs and forums, or you’re forced to dial a 1-800 number only to be faced with an overwhelming list of automated support options. All you really want is to be connected with someone who can help!

  • Development Hell

    Are you stuck in Development Hell? It’s full of third party plug-ins, custom programming, and developers trying to patch things together. Sometimes it’s hard to realize if you’re stuck there, especially if you’re background is non-technical. Here are some things to look for:

  • The Importance of Weekly Training

    Does your Content Management System provider offer weekly training to keep you and your clients up to date on the latest developments and features? Doctors read the latest medical journals, stockbrokers stay up to date on the market, and so should you be keeping up with your CMS.

  • Advertise on Facebook

    Facebook Advertisments are a great way to increase traffic to your site, test a product idea or service, and gather feedback on your target market. If you have 10 minutes and a modest budget, you can create a Facebook Ad.

    For those of you who have experience with pay per click advertising and online marketing, you will appreciate the simplicity of creating a Facebook Ad, which you can do in three very simple steps.

  • How Online Polls Increase Traffic

    Most businesses use their websites as one-way communication tools by only publishing information about their businesses. While this is great to inform people of the products and services you offer, it doesn’t engage them. Establishing a dialogue between your business and your clients is a great way to get interactivity from people and understand what your customers are interested in. Online polls are one way to create that dialogue, engage visitors in two-way communication and increase traffic to your website.